Source code for yt_idv.scene_data.text_characters

import string
from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np
import traitlets
from matplotlib.ft2font import LOAD_FORCE_AUTOHINT
from OpenGL import GL

from yt_idv.opengl_support import Texture2D, VertexArray, VertexAttribute
from yt_idv.scene_data.base_data import SceneData
from yt_idv.traitlets_support import FontTrait

Character = namedtuple(
    "Character", ["texture", "vbo_offset", "hori_advance", "vert_advance"]

[docs]class TextCharacters(SceneData): characters = traitlets.Dict(value_trait=traitlets.Instance(Character)) name = "text_overlay" font = FontTrait("DejaVu Sans") font_size = traitlets.CInt(32) @traitlets.default("vertex_array") def _default_vertex_array(self): return VertexArray(name="char_info", each=6)
[docs] def build_textures(self): # This doesn't check if the textures have already been built self.font.set_size(self.font_size, 200) chars = [ord(_) for _ in string.printable] tex_ids = GL.glGenTextures(len(chars)) vert = [] for i, (tex_id, char_code) in enumerate(zip(tex_ids, chars)): self.font.clear() self.font.set_text(chr(char_code), flags=LOAD_FORCE_AUTOHINT) self.font.draw_glyphs_to_bitmap(antialiased=True) glyph = self.font.load_char(char_code) x0, y0, x1, y1 = glyph.bbox bitmap = self.font.get_image().astype(">f4") / 255.0 dx = 1.0 / bitmap.shape[0] dy = 1.0 / bitmap.shape[1] triangles = np.array( [ [x0, y1, 0.0 + dx / 2.0, 0.0 + dy / 2.0], [x0, y0, 0.0 + dx / 2.0, 1.0 - dy / 2.0], [x1, y0, 1.0 - dx / 2.0, 1.0 - dy / 2.0], [x0, y1, 0.0 + dx / 2.0, 0.0 + dy / 2.0], [x1, y0, 1.0 - dx / 2.0, 1.0 - dy / 2.0], [x1, y1, 1.0 - dx / 2.0, 0.0 + dy / 2.0], ], dtype="<f4", ) vert.append(triangles) texture = Texture2D( texture_name=tex_id, data=bitmap, boundary_x="clamp", boundary_y="clamp" ) # I can't find information as to why horiAdvance is a # factor of 8 larger than the other factors. I assume it # is referenced somewhere, but I cannot find it. self.characters[chr(char_code)] = Character( texture, i, glyph.horiAdvance / 8.0, glyph.vertAdvance ) vert = np.concatenate(vert) self.vertex_array.attributes.append( VertexAttribute(name="quad_vertex", data=vert.astype("<f4")) )