Source code for yt_idv.scene_components.base_component

import numpy as np
import traitlets
from OpenGL import GL

from yt_idv.constants import FULLSCREEN_QUAD
from yt_idv.gui_support import add_popup_help
from yt_idv.opengl_support import (
from yt_idv.scene_data.base_data import SceneData
from yt_idv.shader_objects import (

_cmaps = ["arbre", "viridis", "magma", "doom"]
_buffers = ["frame", "depth"]

[docs]class SceneComponent(traitlets.HasTraits): data = traitlets.Instance(SceneData) base_quad = traitlets.Instance(SceneData) name = "undefined" priority = traitlets.CInt(0) visible = traitlets.Bool(True) use_db = traitlets.Bool(False) # use depth buffer iso_tolerance = traitlets.CFloat(-1) # the tolerance for finding isocontours iso_tol_is_pct = traitlets.Bool(False) # if True, the tolerance is a fraction iso_log = traitlets.Bool(True) # if True, iso values are base 10 exponents iso_layers = traitlets.List() # the target values for isocontours iso_layers_alpha = traitlets.List() # the transparency of isocontours display_bounds = traitlets.Tuple( traitlets.CFloat(), traitlets.CFloat(), traitlets.CFloat(), traitlets.CFloat(), default_value=(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0), ) clear_region = traitlets.Bool(False) render_method = traitlets.Unicode(allow_none=True) fragment_shader = ShaderTrait(allow_none=True).tag(shader_type="fragment") geometry_shader = ShaderTrait(allow_none=True).tag(shader_type="geometry") vertex_shader = ShaderTrait(allow_none=True).tag(shader_type="vertex") fb = traitlets.Instance(Framebuffer) colormap_fragment = ShaderTrait(allow_none=True).tag(shader_type="fragment") colormap_vertex = ShaderTrait(allow_none=True).tag(shader_type="vertex") colormap = traitlets.Instance(ColormapTexture) _program1 = traitlets.Instance(ShaderProgram, allow_none=True) _program2 = traitlets.Instance(ShaderProgram, allow_none=True) _program1_invalid = True _program2_invalid = True _cmap_bounds_invalid = True display_name = traitlets.Unicode(allow_none=True) # These attributes are cmap_min = traitlets.CFloat(None, allow_none=True) cmap_max = traitlets.CFloat(None, allow_none=True) cmap_log = traitlets.Bool(True) scale = traitlets.CFloat(1.0) @traitlets.observe("display_bounds") def _change_display_bounds(self, change): # We need to update the framebuffer if the width or height has changed # Same thing is true if the total pixel size has changed, but that is # not doable from in here. if change["old"] == traitlets.Undefined: return old_width = change["old"][1] - change["old"][0] old_height = change["old"][3] - change["old"][2] new_width = change["new"][1] - change["new"][0] new_height = change["new"][3] - change["new"][2] if old_width != new_width or old_height != new_height: self.fb = Framebuffer()
[docs] def render_gui(self, imgui, renderer, scene): changed, self.visible = imgui.checkbox("Visible", self.visible) _, self.use_db = imgui.checkbox("Depth Buffer", self.use_db) _ = add_popup_help( imgui, "If checked, will render the depth buffer of the current view." ) changed = changed or _ if imgui.button("Recompile Shader"): changed = self._recompile_shader() _, cmap_index = imgui.listbox( "Colormap", _cmaps.index(self.colormap.colormap_name), _cmaps ) if _: self.colormap.colormap_name = _cmaps[cmap_index] changed = changed or _ _ = add_popup_help(imgui, "Select the colormap to use for the rendering.") changed = changed or _ _, self.cmap_log = imgui.checkbox("Take log", self.cmap_log) changed = changed or _ _ = add_popup_help( imgui, "If checked, the rendering will use log-normalized values." ) changed = changed or _ if imgui.button("Reset Colorbounds"): self._cmap_bounds_invalid = True changed = True _ = add_popup_help(imgui, "Click to reset the colorbounds of the current view.") changed = changed or _ if self.render_method == "isocontours": _ = self._render_isolayer_inputs(imgui) changed = changed or _ return changed
@traitlets.observe("iso_log") def _switch_iso_log(self, change): # if iso_log, then the user is setting 10**x, otherwise they are setting # x directly. So when toggling this checkbox we convert the existing # values between the two forms. if change["old"]: # if True, we were taking the log, but now are not: self.iso_tolerance = 10**self.iso_tolerance new_iso_layers = [10**iso_val for iso_val in self.iso_layers] self.iso_layers = new_iso_layers else: # we were not taking the log but now we are, so convert to the exponent self.iso_tolerance = np.log10(self.iso_tolerance) new_iso_layers = [np.log10(iso_val) for iso_val in self.iso_layers] self.iso_layers = new_iso_layers @traitlets.default("display_name") def _default_display_name(self): return @traitlets.default("render_method") def _default_render_method(self): return default_shader_combos[] @traitlets.observe("render_method") def _change_render_method(self, change): new_combo = component_shaders[][change["new"]] with self.hold_trait_notifications(): self.vertex_shader = new_combo["first_vertex"] self.fragment_shader = new_combo["first_fragment"] self.geometry_shader = new_combo.get("first_geometry", None) self.colormap_vertex = new_combo["second_vertex"] self.colormap_fragment = new_combo["second_fragment"] @traitlets.observe("render_method") def _add_initial_isolayer(self, change): # this adds an initial isocontour entry when the render method # switches to isocontours and if there are no layers yet. if change["new"] == "isocontours" and len(self.iso_layers) == 0: self.iso_layers.append(0.0) self.iso_layers_alpha.append(1.0) @traitlets.default("fb") def _fb_default(self): return Framebuffer() @traitlets.observe("fragment_shader") def _change_fragment(self, change): # Even if old/new are the same self._program1_invalid = True @traitlets.observe("vertex_shader") def _change_vertex(self, change): # Even if old/new are the same self._program1_invalid = True @traitlets.observe("geometry_shader") def _change_geometry(self, change): self._program1_invalid = True @traitlets.observe("colormap_vertex") def _change_colormap_vertex(self, change): # Even if old/new are the same self._program2_invalid = True @traitlets.observe("colormap_fragment") def _change_colormap_fragment(self, change): # Even if old/new are the same self._program2_invalid = True @traitlets.observe("use_db") def _initialize_db(self, changed): # invaldiate the colormap when the depth buffer selection changes self._cmap_bounds_invalid = True @traitlets.default("colormap") def _default_colormap(self): cm = ColormapTexture() cm.colormap_name = "arbre" return cm @traitlets.default("vertex_shader") def _vertex_shader_default(self): return component_shaders[][self.render_method]["first_vertex"] @traitlets.default("fragment_shader") def _fragment_shader_default(self): return component_shaders[][self.render_method]["first_fragment"] @traitlets.default("geometry_shader") def _geometry_shader_default(self): _ = component_shaders[][self.render_method] return _.get("first_geometry", None) @traitlets.default("colormap_vertex") def _colormap_vertex_default(self): return component_shaders[][self.render_method]["second_vertex"] @traitlets.default("colormap_fragment") def _colormap_fragment_default(self): return component_shaders[][self.render_method]["second_fragment"] @traitlets.default("base_quad") def _default_base_quad(self): bq = SceneData( name="fullscreen_quad", vertex_array=VertexArray(name="tri", each=6), ) fq = FULLSCREEN_QUAD.reshape((6, 3), order="C") bq.vertex_array.attributes.append( VertexAttribute(name="vertexPosition_modelspace", data=fq) ) return bq @property def program1(self): if self._program1_invalid: if self._program1 is not None: self._program1.delete_program() self._fragment_shader_default() self._program1 = ShaderProgram( self.vertex_shader, self.fragment_shader, self.geometry_shader ) self._program1_invalid = False return self._program1 @property def program2(self): if self._program2_invalid: if self._program2 is not None: self._program2.delete_program() # The vertex shader will always be the same. # The fragment shader will change based on whether we are # colormapping or not. self._program2 = ShaderProgram(self.colormap_vertex, self.colormap_fragment) self._program2_invalid = False return self._program2 def _set_iso_uniforms(self, p): # these could be handled better by watching traits. p._set_uniform("iso_num_layers", int(len(self.iso_layers))) isolayervals = self._get_sanitized_iso_layers() p._set_uniform("iso_layers", isolayervals) p._set_uniform("iso_layer_tol", self._get_sanitized_iso_tol()) avals = np.zeros((32,), dtype="float32") avals[: len(self.iso_layers)] = np.array(self.iso_layers_alpha) p._set_uniform("iso_alphas", avals) p._set_uniform("iso_min", float( p._set_uniform("iso_max", float(
[docs] def run_program(self, scene): # Store this info, because we need to render into a framebuffer that is the # right size. x0, y0, w, h = GL.glGetIntegerv(GL.GL_VIEWPORT) GL.glViewport(0, 0, w, h) if not self.visible: return with self.fb.bind(True): with self.program1.enable() as p:, p) self._set_uniforms(scene, p) if self.render_method == "isocontours": self._set_iso_uniforms(p) with self.draw(scene, p) if self._cmap_bounds_invalid: self._reset_cmap_bounds() with self.colormap.bind(0): with self.fb.input_bind(1, 2): with self.program2.enable() as p2: with scene.bind_buffer(): p2._set_uniform("cmap", 0) p2._set_uniform("fb_tex", 1) p2._set_uniform("db_tex", 2) p2._set_uniform("use_db", self.use_db) # Note that we use cmap_min/cmap_max, not # self.cmap_min/self.cmap_max. p2._set_uniform("cmap_min", self.cmap_min) p2._set_uniform("cmap_max", self.cmap_max) p2._set_uniform("cmap_log", float(self.cmap_log)) with self.base_quad.vertex_array.bind(p2): # Now we do our viewport globally, not just within # the framebuffer GL.glViewport(x0, y0, w, h) GL.glDrawArrays(GL.GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6)
[docs] def draw(self, scene, program): raise NotImplementedError
def _get_sanitized_iso_layers(self, normalize=True): # returns an array of the isocontour layer values, padded with 0s out # to max number of contours (32). iso_vals = np.asarray(self.iso_layers) if self.iso_log: iso_vals = 10**iso_vals if normalize: iso_vals = full_array = np.zeros(32, dtype="float32") full_array[: len(self.iso_layers)] = iso_vals return full_array def _get_sanitized_iso_tol(self): # isocontour selection conditions: # # absolute difference # d - c <= eps # or percent difference # (d - c) / c * 100 <= eps_pct # # where d is a raw data value, c is the target isocontour, eps # is an absolute difference, eps_f is a percent difference # # The data textures available on the shaders are normalized values: # d_ = (d - min) / (max - min) # where max and min are the global min and max values across the entire # volume (e.g., over all blocks, not within a block) # # So in terms of normalized values, the absoulte difference condition # becomes # d_ - c_ <= eps / (max - min) # where c_ is the target value normalized in the same way as d_. # # And the percent difference becomes # (d_ - c_) * (max - min) / c * 100 <= eps_pct # or # d_ - c_ <= eps_pct / 100 * c / (max - min) # so that the allowed tolerance is a function of the raw target value # and so will vary with each layer. if self.iso_log: # the tol value is an exponent, convert tol = 10 ** float(self.iso_tolerance) else: tol = float(self.iso_tolerance) # always normalize tolerance tol = tol / if self.iso_tol_is_pct: # tolerance depends on the layer value tol = tol * 0.01 raw_layers = self._get_sanitized_iso_layers(normalize=False) final_tol = raw_layers * tol else: final_tol = np.full((32,), tol, dtype="float32") return final_tol def _recompile_shader(self) -> bool: # removes existing shaders, invalidates shader programs shaders = ( "vertex_shader", "geometry_shader", "fragment_shader", "colormap_vertex", "colormap_fragment", ) for shader_name in shaders: s = getattr(self, shader_name, None) if s: s.delete_shader() self._program1_invalid = self._program2_invalid = True return True def _render_isolayer_inputs(self, imgui) -> bool: changed = False if imgui.tree_node("Isocontours"): _, self.iso_log = imgui.checkbox("set exponent", self.iso_log) _ = add_popup_help( imgui, "If checked, will treat isocontour values as base-10 exponents." ) changed = changed or _ imgui.columns(2, "iso_tol_cols", False) _, self.iso_tolerance = imgui.input_float( "tol", self.iso_tolerance, flags=imgui.INPUT_TEXT_ENTER_RETURNS_TRUE, ) _ = add_popup_help(imgui, "The tolerance for selecting an isocontour.") changed = changed or _ imgui.next_column() _, self.iso_tol_is_pct = imgui.checkbox("%", self.iso_tol_is_pct) _ = add_popup_help(imgui, "If checked, the tolerance is a percent.") changed = changed or _ imgui.columns(1) if imgui.button("Add Layer"): if len(self.iso_layers) < 32: changed = True self.iso_layers.append(0.0) self.iso_layers_alpha.append(1.0) _ = self._construct_isolayer_table(imgui) changed = changed or _ imgui.tree_pop() return changed def _construct_isolayer_table(self, imgui) -> bool: imgui.columns(3, "iso_layers_cols", False) i = 0 changed = False while i < len(self.iso_layers): _, self.iso_layers[i] = imgui.input_float( f"Layer {i + 1}", self.iso_layers[i], flags=imgui.INPUT_TEXT_ENTER_RETURNS_TRUE, ) _ = add_popup_help(imgui, "The value of the isocontour layer.") changed = changed or _ imgui.next_column() _, self.iso_layers_alpha[i] = imgui.input_float( f"alpha {i}", self.iso_layers_alpha[i], flags=imgui.INPUT_TEXT_ENTER_RETURNS_TRUE, ) _ = add_popup_help(imgui, "The opacity of the isocontour layer.") changed = changed or _ imgui.next_column() if imgui.button("Remove##rl" + str(i + 1)): self.iso_layers.pop(i) self.iso_layers_alpha.pop(i) i -= 1 _ = True changed = changed or _ imgui.next_column() i += 1 imgui.columns(1) return changed def _reset_cmap_bounds(self): data = if self.use_db: data[:, :, :3] = self.fb.depth_data[:, :, None] data = data[data[:, :, 3] > 0][:, 0] if data.size > 0: self.cmap_min = data.min() self.cmap_max = data.max() if data.size == 0: self.cmap_min = 0.0 self.cmap_max = 1.0 else: print(f"Computed new cmap values {self.cmap_min} - {self.cmap_max}") self._cmap_bounds_invalid = False